Friday, December 5, 2008

What's in a name? The meaning of Amrit Dev Kaur

In the tradition of Kundalini Yoga it is possible to ask for a spiritual name. This name signifies the destination of your soul, your own true essence, and is a reminder of who you really are.... It can be helpful to have reminder of this, especially right now when my mind is trying to grasp the fact that I am leaving Amsterdam for a few months. I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the changes and goodbyes always bring up lots of emotions too. So I felt the need to meditate on my True Name (Sat Nam) and looked up the meaning of Amrit Dev Kaur. What a great gift to have this name, I immediately felt lighter and brighter when I read this again:

You have been blessed to live as Amrit Dev Kaur, which means the Princess/Lioness of God, who walks with grace and courage throughout her life, and who tastes and enjoys Gods sweet divine nectar.

Amrit means the nectar of Gods grace, the sweetness of God touching and opening your heart. Dev means divine and angelic. Kaur means the Princess/Lioness of God who walks with grace and courage throughout her life. Kaur is a name that Yogi Bhajan gave to all women. He taught that every woman has the potential to attain a true state of grace and courage, and he encouraged each woman to manifest that potential.

Having the name Amrit Dev Kaur means that within you is the potential to dwell in the sweetness of your soul. You can be an Angel, one who serves with grace and honor.

Meditate on your beautiful spiritual name, listen to your souls truth and connect with your Creator. May you excel in the Age of Aquarius and light up the universe as we move from a finite consciousness to a consciousness of Infinity.

May Guru Ram Das bless you and guide you, now and forever. In the Name of the Cosmos which prevails through everyBODY, and the Holy Nam which holds the world.

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